11 Beauty and the Geek


JP: Being unapologetic shipping trash in all my works, this secondary SkyeFop centered parody goes out to a triad of requesters – they know who they are! Hope ya’ll enjoy the tale as old as time featuring a certain man pretty rock star and his equally pretty science geek lady!

CzarThwomp: You all wanted more Klema, so more Klema is what you’re going to get! And what better way to enjoy your daily dose of Vitamin-Klema than with a parody of one of the most iconic Disney romance songs ever created?

“Beauty And The Geek”
(Sung to the tune of “Beauty and the Beast”
from Disney’s Beauty and the Beast)

Always fighting crime
She’s LAPD
He’s a blingy fop
Makes her blow her top

Ever butting heads
Tempers are released
Hiding the true deal
What they really feel
Beauty and the geek

Yielding would be shame
So she never tries
Slurs him to the core
Dubs him a Mann Hure
Till the day he dies!

Always fighting crime
Learn to get along
Friendship within range
Shy smiles are exchanged
Feelings growing strong

Opposites attract
True love is unleashed
Always fighting crime
Each and every time
Beauty and the Geek

 Always fighting crime
Each and every time
Beauty and the Geek


Singing in the Courtroom Copyright © by JordanPhoenix and CzarThwomp. All Rights Reserved.

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