9 Gern Geschehen


JP: This song is probably the closest canon dynamic to Fredgeworth’s competitive bickering that I will ever write, with the whole Brother/Sister thing being taken literally here, since most of my readers know that I ship them romantically!

CzarThwomp: I don’t know why, but Edgeworth and Franziska have such an adorable sibling relationship. I think it’s because even though their personalities are so different, deep down, they love each other very much and would do almost anything to help each other out. But one thing is certain, JP did an excellent job in capturing a typical Edgeworth/Franziska conversation in this parody.

“Gern Geschehen”
Sung to the tune of “You’re Welcome” from Disney’s Moana
by a smug Franziska to Miles
after his “defense attorney” trial against her in T &T

Franziska: So what I believe you were trying to say, Miles Edgeworth, is Danke.

Miles: Danke?

Franziska: Gern Geschehen. In case you’ve forgotten all your German… that means… you’re welcomeKleiner Bruder.

Miles: Ngh! No! No! No! I didn’t… I wasn’t…why would I ever…

Franziska: *smirks and waggles her forefinger at the flummoxed prosecutor*

Alright! Alright! *snickers* I know what’s occurring here
You’re dealing with perfection and you’re awed
You don’t even know what to say
How typical!
To be silent when you really should applaud!

Come read meine lips, now it begins
Ja, it’s truly me, it’s Franny: take it in!

I know I’m perfect, can’t claim I’m not
And matching brains come with this bod!

There’s nothing to state besides Gern Geschehen
For covering up your damn hide!
es ist in Ordnung , I say
Gern Geschehen!
Without my help today you would’ve fried!

As kids who’d soothe your cries and shakes
From night terrors and earthquakes!
Diese Frau!

 When Canuck got bold, who lied:
“Your Honor, I’ve never seen that guy!”
Why, your Big Sister, nein?

  Oh! Achtung! I perjured for you
Gern Geschehen
To stretch the trial and find the truth!

Mein Gott! I helped Phoenix Wright!
Gern Geschehen
A man I loathe with all my might!

 There’s nothing to state besides Gern Geschehen
Best große Schwester that you’ll ever see!
There’s no need to whine, it’s quite fine
Gern Geschehen!
Hmph! I suppose you would do the same for me!
Gern Geschehen!
Gern Geschehen!

 Well, there’s no need to deny it
Miles, shamelessly I could go on and on
About perfect Von Karma ways all in one little song
It’ll make your heart go pound
Have you get flustered when I come around!

I threw this case,
And let you defend
Now you’ll owe me, right up to the end!

 What have we learned?
From that court trial today?
own you now, don’t even try for a breakaway!

 Easily could’ve turned this into a win,
But it’s more fun getting under your skin!
Bow to me fool
I make wonders take place!
This wild mare’s waving her whip in your face!
Whish! Whish! Whish! Whish! Whish! Whish! Crack!

 So Little Brother, I say Gern Geschehen
(Gern Geschehen)
For my benevolence, not my disdain!
Ja, es ist in Ordnung, es ist in Ordnung
Gern Geschehen

Well, I’ve sung it, so Auf Wiedersehen!

 It was your lucky day, Gern Geschehen
Thanks for listening to my showboat
Now back to Interpol
Gern Geschehen
Believe you me, I’ll never cease to gloat!
Gern Geschehen
Gern Geschehen
und danke dir!



Chapter End Notes

Kleiner Bruder – Little Brother
es ist in Ordnung – It’s Okay
diese Frau! – This woman
Mein Gott! – My God
große Schwester – Big Sister
Auf Wiedersehen! – Good bye
und danke dir! – and thank you


Singing in the Courtroom Copyright © by JordanPhoenix and CzarThwomp. All Rights Reserved.

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