23 Objection, Your Honor!


JP: It was my pleasure to Wright my two favorite Ace hunks (and a usually forgotten third musketeer – OT3?) a parody from my all-time fave Disney movie! This request is for RavenPuffPrefect1296 and all Wrightworth lovers (whether a bromance or romance) out there! Hope you likey! 🙂

CT: I swear, this project has felt like one big rollercoaster with how I take you to new lows with my typically darker material, while JP helps you touch the fluffy clouds with her usually lighthearted songs that make you feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside. And I can say with absolute certainty that this song written by my brilliant, warmhearted cowriter is no different after reading the lyrics with a big grin on my face the entire time. The thought of young Phoenix and Edgeworth trying to pour the water of knowledge into the leaky jar of intellect that is Larry just fills me with so much glee.

” Objection, Your Honor!”
(Sung to the tune of “Hakuna Matanta” from
 The Lion King)

[As 4 th  graders, it’s recess time and Miles is excitedly rambling on about having just seen Gregory Edgeworth in action at the courthouse yesterday, much to his friends’ visible disinterest because they’re  9  – what do they care about courtrooms?]

[Little Miles gets all huffy and insists that seeing Daddy in action was The. Coolest. Thing. EVER and how when he’s all grown up, he’s gonna be a defense attorney just like him – and then  he  will also get the joy of pointing his finger and loudly shouting:  “Objection, Your Honor!”]


Objection, Your Honor!
Such a commanding phrase!


Objection, Your Honor!
*stretches out his index and glares*
With a steely gaze!


It means “Oh heck no!”
To the DA’s whole case!


It’s the lawfully philosophy
Objection, Your Honor!


Objection, Your Honor!


Objection, Your Honor?

Indeed. To be my axiom!

*scratches his head*

*joking tone as he smirks at Edgeworth*
AXE him?! Tempting, but it’s still murder!


*glares at Phoenix then turns back to Larry*
This war cry means I demand justice!

That’s right. Take Edgeworth here…
Even though he’s a Poindexter…

A very proud Poindexterrrrrr!

We know!

Much obliged


He found that the law held his ardor and zeal
Wanted to defend just like Daddy, Courtroom Man of Steel!


Yes I’m studious, but for me law’s no bore
Yet when I speak of it, my friends start to snore!

*grits his teeth as Phoenix and Larry make mock snoring sounds*
Thisclose to profanity!

*dramatically puts back of hand to his forehead*
Oh, the humanity!

So much inanity!

We’re bored to insanity!

Tried to be unaffected

D’Aw! Didja feel rejected?

I’d get so dejected…

*puts a comforting arm around Edgeworth’s shoulders*
Sorry, Edgy! You’ll be more respected!

Thank you


Objection, Your Honor!
Such a commanding phrase
Objection, Your Honor!
With a steely gaze!


It means “Oh heck no!”

To the DA’s whole case!


It’s the lawfully philosophy

Objection, Your Honor!

Objection, Your Honor! Objection, Your Honor!

Objection, Your Honor! Objection, Your Honor!

Objection, Your Honor! Objection, Your Honor!

Objection, Your Honor! Objection –

[Scene fades, until we’re now in present day, with the three old friends drunkenly singing in a bar, with Larry sandwiched between legal legends Phoenix Wright and his courtroom rival, Miles Edgeworth, an arm slung around each of their shoulders]


It means “Oh hell no!”
To defense’s whole case!


It’s the lawfully philosophy
Objection, Your Honor!



*points his index at the Ace Defense Attorney with a smug grin*
I say, “Objection!”

*points back at the Chief Prosecutor and winks back*
I say, “Your Honor!”


Singing in the Courtroom Copyright © by JordanPhoenix and CzarThwomp. All Rights Reserved.

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