75 I’ll Make You Proud To Be My Daughter


JP: For my good friend, TheFreelancerSeal. Also thank you, Muhammad Sban, for reminding me we are in the official AJ game AA timeline now, so this June 16, 2019 marks newly crowned DILF Nick and Trucy’s first Father’s Day together! Let the daddy/parental issues themed tunes commence, henceforth! 😊

CT: Once again, my wonderful cowriter has brought us another gem of a parody involving one of everyone’s favorite father/daughter relationships in the series. Though what makes this one better than all of the others is that it celebrates the first Father’s Day in which Trucy has a dad who actually loves her and is there for her, and not some poker-obsessed jerk who abandoned his daughter without a second thought- an act, by the way, that he actually had her help him with- and is almost as bad as Kristoph when it comes to revenge. Sure, Kristoph is a psychotic prick who ruined a Phoenix’s career over a game of poker and then proceeded to befriend and stalk the man for ten years, but at least he didn’t try to ruin the poker shark’s life any further. But Zak, on the other hand, decided to employ some multi-tasking by signing over the rights to Magnifi’s tricks to Trucy before trying to ruin Phoenix’s new career.

You know, after all these years, I still can’t believe that Zak had the gall to pretend that he loved Trucy, only for him to try to ruin Phoenix’s poker career in a way not all that different from how Kristoph ruined the man’s attorney career, and by extension, jeopardizing his daughter’s wellbeing. And for what reason? Zak’s galaxy-sized ego was wounded after losing a poker game to a man that he challenged. And people say that Kristoph was petty… You know, many fans view Retinz as the evilest Gramarye, but at least with him, he was completely aware that he was a jerk and wasn’t afraid to hide it. He didn’t try to hide it behind this mask of joviality, only to assault people with grape juice bottles!

 I’ll Make You Proud To Be My Daughter
Sung to the tune of
“Candle On The Water”
from Disney’s Pete’s Dragon

It was his nightly ritual, long after he’d tucked her in, to peer in through the crack of the sleeping Trucy’s bedroom door, prior to hitting the hay himself. That sight alone was enough to make Phoenix realize deciding to adopt Trucy had unquestionably been the right decision.

I need to stop torturing myself about what’s happened to me. For Trucy’s sake, I need to believe that I am worthy of escaping this hurricane of thoughts, the positive and the negative analysis of the actions and words of others. I am worthy of love and a better life, I know am. So instead of wondering why all this had to happen to me, I’ll try not to dwell on what’s happened, and focus on this little moppet who depends on me.

There was just something strangely soul-soothing about seeing the peaceful expression on his little ward’s sleeping face, in light of the devastating event that had occurred nearly two months ago, and turned his world upside down.

His own father, Roc Gryphon Wright, had always encouraged his only child to always buck up and be strong, in the face of any adversity. The memory of those loving words of guidance now flashed through his mind.

It is not easy to live life sometimes, son,” the late physician had advised his son. “To face the world with a smile when you’re crying inside. It takes a lot of courage to reach down inside yourself, hold on to that strength and know that tomorrow is a new day with new possibilities. But if you can just hold on long enough to see this through and trust that you can survive this; you’ll come out a new person, stronger and as long as you don’t give up and keep pushing forward, no matter how hopeless things seem, you will make it.”

Phoenix was filled with fresh resolve as he regarded the slumbering form of the pint-sized magician, who’d been a soothing balm for his wounded heart and battered mind.

The most profound thing we can offer our children is our own healing. For you, Truce, I will try to lick my own wounds, and be strong. Come to me in your summer time, when our laughter is as the daisies in the grass. Come to me in your winter time, when you feel as if ice freezes your heart and blood. I’ll be your shelter, your guardian, your forever home… always with an open door, the key always in your pocket, and a love that is always yours. From this day on, I’ll make my escape plan from my negative, self-destructive thoughts through the green leaves and under open skies on this path of anticipation about where this newfound journey of fatherhood will take me. I’ll make sure to be a man who you’ll take pride in having as a father…

I’ll make you proud to be my daughter
Newfound dad role I’ll never spurn
Your spirits need uplifting
But the tides are shifting
I’m safe to trust, as you’ve grown to learn

I’ll make you proud to be my daughter
In this bleak life you are my light
As you grow up, I’ll guide you
Always be beside you
Give my Trucy a bedtime kiss each night

 For all the times you’ve cried and felt blue
I’ll move heaven and earth so you won’t frown
Happy new memories now await you
I’ll always be there
Know how much I care

 I’ll make you proud to be my daughter
You mean more than you’ll ever know
This bond I’ll nay forsake it
Here’s my hand so take it
My baby girl, here’s what you should know
As far as blood oaths go
My love will only grow
My love will only grow
My love will only grow…

The next morning, he was sipping his coffee at the breakfast table when his daughter bounced into the room, all rainbows and sunshine, as usual.

“Good morning, Daddy!”

“Good morning, Truce. Did you sleep well?”

“I sure did! I had the nicest dream!” There was an impish twinkle in her eye. “I dreamt of that pretty song from that Disney movie we watched last night after dinner. But in my dream, a man was singing it instead of a lady. And instead of singing about being a candle on the water, he was singing about how he wanted me to be proud to be his daughter.”

Phoenix nearly did a spit-take of the scalding brew, his cup landing onto the table in a heavy clunk as he goggled the child, who was now sporting a mischievous grin.

“You – you heard me?” He gasped, his eyes the size of golf balls. “I had no idea! I thought you were asleep!”

“Nope!” She shook her head, blue orbs dancing. “I only pretended to be asleep, because I was scared that if you knew I was awake, you’d stop singing, and I didn’t want that, since you have such a beautiful voice, Daddy! And I want you to know that I’m already so proud to be your daughter.”

As he reeled back in astonishment from this unexpected confession, she beamed at him mysteriously.

“And to prove it, I wanted to show something I’ve been working on this past month – TA-DA!”

With a flourish, she raised the corner of her cape and spun around in a tiny pink blur several times, and when she whirled around to face him again, her pink ensemble was gone, replaced by a new top hat and cloak – in blue.

The astounding symbolism of the costume simultaneously took his breath away, and filled his heart with so much love and pride, he thought it would surely burst.

Blue. The very color Phoenix used to wear in the courtroom, when he’d been the blue defense attorney known as the Turnabout King. Even though the badge had been stripped away, the symbolism she’d tied to it obviously hadn’t. Trucy clearly, without a word, and even before the official adoption papers had come in, had just demonstrated how her new life, her new identity, would no longer be as Trucy Enigmar, but Trucy Wright.

Because she really wanted the whole world to know she was now the daughter of Phoenix Wright.

“Trucy…” He felt a lump forming in his throat. “I – I don’t know what to say…”

He felt a prickling sensation behind his eyes, but refused to give into the dam of tears threatening to consume him. Even if it was from happiness, he would not let himself cry in front of this precious darling. A man had to have some dignity, after all!

“You don’t need to say anything, Daddy. But I hope it made you happy! Oh! I made you a card, too!”

Trucy reached into her cape and pulled out a colorful folded sheet of construction paper, which had an adorable, hand drawn image of a father and daughter wearing magician hats inside of a heart on the front.

“After you sang that song last night, I decided to write you a special poem, to show you how much you mean to me.”

Her expression was bashful as she passed Phoenix the card and he began to read what was written inside. As he did so, he could feel the stinging sensation behind his lids begin to grow.

 I want you to let me grow up,
But at the same time I want you to still see me as your little buttercup.
I want you to give me some room,
But at the same time I want you to always be there in the doom.
I want you to hold me on stormy days,
When lightning strikes and outside it’s a daze.
I want you to trust me, with your full heart.
Even when I mess up, still trust every part.
I want you to hold my hand,
Silently be there without demand.
I want you to teach me by your walk,
Not just by the words that you talk.
I want you to guide me when I am lost,
To always show up without a cost.
I want you to love me, each and every day,
And every night I will fall to me knees and pray.
Thanking the Lord above for blessing me with,
A wonderful Daddy who, badge or no badge, is definitely no myth.


His throat was now aching from the unshed tears of emotion.

Thanking the Lord. That’s what she’d written.

It was but for the grace of God that his eyes had somehow remained dry until now.

She was grateful for him, the disgraced man of infamous forging acclaim and tarnished reputation. Somehow, through all the darkness that surrounded him, this little angel had been sent to him; the sole beacon of light in his otherwise bleak existence.

With what little means I have, I am reinforcing my solemn vow to do my best to be there for her, shelter her, comfort her. There is nothing I wouldn’t do to keep her safe from harm, but I cannot protect her forever. I can only be there when she falls and stand well back while she reaches for the stars.

Before he could even show reaction to the poignant verse, the little magician, with typical childlike exuberance, was already brandishing another item, which she magically seemed to have plucked out of thin air.

“I got you a real present, too.” Standing there with arms akimbo, she flashed her trademark winsome grin. “After all, this is our first Father’s Day together!”

“You didn’t have to do that!” He protested. “You shouldn’t be spending your hard-earned money from The Wonder Bar on me!”

“Well, it didn’t really cost anything, since I used a lot of money buying the material to make my new costume,” she admitted sheepishly, then smiled shyly as she placed the soft object in his hand. “So, don’t worry, it’s not something I bought in a store, Daddy. It’s something I made, but I still hope you like it.”

Phoenix picked up the knitted aquamarine cap and turned it in the light to see the large yellow lettering which read Papa, all the better. As he did so Trucy’s eyes followed her father’s movements, studying his facial micro-expressions. He knew not to be too quick to praise, or else his daughter might suspect it was insincere if he did so, but too long, and her little heart would fall into her magician boots. He let his face flood with a genuine, joyful smile, and at the rare sighting of her guardian’s lit up visage, Trucy clapped her tiny hands and bounced on her toes.

“I love it,” he assured her, clearing throat so his voice wouldn’t break. “Thank you, Trucy. I’m very proud to be your Papa. I’ll never take it off, I promise.”

As he smiled indulgently and pulled on the crowning glory which completed his recently acquired, hobo chic ensemble, her earnest cerulean eyes now regarded him with a solemn expression that was far too serious for any 8-year-old to ever have.

“I know it’s my fault you lost your badge, Daddy. I understand this costume and your beanie can’t make up for that. But I also realize how you must feel so lonely sometimes, since Uncle Miles is working overseas and Miss Maya is away training. I wanted us to both have hats now, to show that we’re now an official team and so you would know that you at least have me by your side, forever and ever!”

“At least?” He croaked, reaching out and pulling her into a bear hug so tight, he almost worried he would crush her tiny frame. “Baby girl, if I held my badge, even this world in one hand and you in the other, without hesitation, I’d take you. I know not everything I do makes it look that way, but life can get pretty complicated pretty quick. You are my own child, and though I loved the law, and being an attorney, with every fibre of my being, you mean more.”

“I’m so happy you don’t hate me for giving you that forged page, Daddy,” Trucy whispered tearily as she buried her head in his chest. “Hearing you sing that song last night meant so much to me – because sometimes, you’re so quiet and look so sad, it’s hard for me to know what you’re feeling.”

“I’m sorry that I’ve been bringing my work poker face home to you, Truce. Let me tell you right now what I’m feeling, so you never have reason to ever doubt what’s in my heart, ever again.”

He drew back slightly and gently stroked her cherubic face.

“Know that being my daughter means something. It means I will protect you to the very last vestige of my power. I will stand before you should danger come your way, beside you as you find your footing, and only behind when you are grown up and ready to leave the nest. I won’t ever leave you. Never.”

His cadence was filled with tenderness as he continued.

“I hope you won’t ever feel you have to earn a place in my heart, to prove yourself worthy. You never will. Although I wasn’t there the moment you were born, there was no mistaking the divine spark that is your soul kindle within your eyes. Whatever challenges come your way, I know the real you, the one inside; the one that is my daughter. That’s what you are to me, and always will be. Together, we’ll be as close as law and love can make us.”

Trucy let out a delighted squeal as she lurched herself into his arms again.

“That’s right – because we’re Team Wright!” She chirped, looking up adoringly into his face before planting a kiss on his stubbled cheek. “It’s you and me against the world, Daddy! I love you 3000!”

“I love you too, baby girl.” He drew her back in for another hug, uncaring about the stray droplet that fell down onto her cape. Dignity be damned! “Though these bones will age, Trucy Hecate Wright, my love is everlasting.”


Chapter End Notes

JP: Few things make me happier than Wrighting Nick in DILF mode! Happy Father’s Day, y’all!


Singing in the Courtroom Copyright © by JordanPhoenix and CzarThwomp. All Rights Reserved.

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2 Responses to I’ll Make You Proud To Be My Daughter

  1. TheFreelancerSeal says:

    Just what I needed today, a little chicken soup for the soul.

    You’ve done several parodies, both of you, but if I had to pick one from JP, this would definitely be a favorite. Trucy, whether 8 or 18, just never fails to be adorable, and this song is just pure sweetness from her new father. I know I’ve said it many times before, but these two are my favorite father/daughter duo, even more than Chrom and Lucina. And there is a reason for that. Chrom and Lucina are blood-relatives. Phoenix, on the other hand, he had no reason to even consider taking Trucy in. He could have blamed her for losing his badge, he could have held a grudge against her, he could have let her disappear into the world of foster care and social services. And yet, he adopted her and treated her as if she really was his daughter.

    That is just something that melts my heart every time I read this story. Plus, corny as it is, the original song is vastly unappreciated, much like the movie it comes from. Pete’s Dragon was one of those movies I grew up with, like Cinderella. So, it does hold a special place to me. So, even in parody form, it’s nice to give it some attention.

    Well done as always to the both of you.

    1. My fave video game father/daughter duo out there deserve so much more screen time than they’ve gotten. Also, I’ve been looking for an excuse to give backstory to that infamous DILF-defining beanie so no, thank YOU! Moreover, it is canon that the sweet little magician went from being a pink performer when she was Zak’s girl, to be a beauty in blue when she became part of team Papa Nick! It’s a huge unspoken symbolic move that seems to get overlooked a lot by the fandom and I loved shedding some light/sharing my headcanon upon it. 😁
      Not to take away from biological fathers but there is something special about a man stepping up and willing to raise another man’s child. That’s why Nick and Dhurke and a certain DGS character (spoiler) are Debeste Daddy’s in the series!
      As always dear friend, thanks for your everlasting loyalty and support! 💓

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